Academic Offerings at the University of Idaho

Programs offered by the university are shown in the lists below. After a student has completed the requirements for a degree, the degree name and, if not already a part of the degree name, the major curriculum as shown in this list are printed on the student's diploma. Options listed under some curricula are areas of concentration within the major. Options, emphases, academic minors, and academic certificates are recorded only on the student's final transcript. Programs available online are marked with an asterisk.


Program Minor Associate Bachelor Academic Certificate
Accounting Minor B.S.Bus.
Addictions Minor
Advertising Minor B.A./B.S.
Aerospace Certificate
Aerospace Studies Minor
Aging Studies Minor
Agribusiness Minor
Agricultural Commodity Risk Management Minor Certificate
Agricultural Communications and Leadership Minor
Agricultural Economics B.S.Ag.Econ.
Agricultural Education B.S.Ag.Ed.
Agricultural Extension Education Minor
Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership B.S.Ag.L.S.
Agricultural Systems Management Minor B.S.S.W.S.
American Indian Studies Minor
Animal Science Minor
Animal and Veterinary Science B.S.A.V.S.
Anthropology Minor B.A./B.S.
Apparel, Textiles and Design Minor B.S.
Applied Finance Certificate*
Applied Music B.A./B.S.
Aquaculture Minor
Archaeological Technician Certificate
Architecture Minor B.S.Arch.
Art Minor B.A.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Certificate*
Asian Studies Minor
Athletic Leadership Certificate
Biochemistry Minor B.S.Biochem.
Bioethics Minor Certificate
Biological Engineering B.S.B.E.
Biology Minor B.A./B.S.
Biomedical Engineering Certificate
Biotechnology and Plant Genomics Minor B.S.Pl.Sc.
Black Studies Minor
Broadcasting and Digital Media Minor B.A./B.S.
Business Minor
Business Administration B.B.A.*
Business Analytics Minor Certificate
Business Economics B.S.Bus.
Business Leadership Certificate
Business Management B.S.Bus.
Career and Technical Education B.S.E.d
Chemical Addictions: Principles and Practice Certificate*
Chemical Engineering B.S.Ch.E.
Chemistry Minor B.S.
Child Development B.S.
Child Feeding Certificate
Civil Engineering B.S.C.E.
Climate Change B.S. Certificate
Communication Minor B.A.*/B.S.*
Comparative/International Politics Minor
Computer Engineering B.S.Comp.E.
Computer Science Minor B.S.C.S.
Conservation Biology B.S.
Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate*
Creative Writing Minor
Criminology B.S.*
Crop Management Minor
Crop Science Minor
Crop Science and Management B.S.Pl.Sc.
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning Certificate
Cybersecurity Minor B.S. Certificate
Dance Minor B.S.Dan.
Design for Inclusion and Well-Being Certificate
Early Childhood Education B.S.
Earth and Spatial Sciences B.S.
Ecology Minor
Ecology and Ecosystem Science B.S.
Economics Minor B.A./B.S.
Economics of Public Policy Certificate
Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E.
Elementary Education B.S.Ed.
English Minor B.A./B.S.*
Enterprise Systems Integration Certificate*
Entomology Minor B.S.Ag.L.S.
Entrepreneurship Minor Certificate
Environmental Communication Minor
Environmental Design B.S.E.D.
Environmental Hydrogeology Certificate
Environmental Science B.S.Env.S.
Environmental Soil Science B.S.S.W.S.
Equity and Justice Certificate*
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences B.S.
Family and Consumer Sciences B.S.
Film and Television Production Minor
Film and Television B.A./B.S.
Finance B.S.Bus.
Fire Ecology and Management Minor B.S.Fire.Ecol.Mgmt.
Fire Safety Certificate
Fisheries Science Minor B.S.
Food and Nutrition B.S.
Food Science Minor B.S.F.S.
Forest and Sustainable Products B.S.
Forest Nursery Management and Technology A.S.
Forest Operations Minor
Forest Operations and Technology A.S.
Forest Resources Minor
Forestry B.S.Forestry
French Minor B.A.
General Studies A.A.*/A.S.* B.G.S.*
Geographic Information Systems B.S. Certificate
Geography Minor
Geological and Mining Engineering Minor
Geology Minor B.S.
German Minor
Global Disease Ecology B.S.
Graphic Design Certificate
Groundwater Hydrology Minor
History Minor B.A.*/B.S.*
Horticulture Minor
Horticulture and Urban Agriculture B.S.Pl.Sc.
Human and Community Engagement Minor*
Human Development and Family Studies B.S.
Human Safety Performance Certificate
Industrial Technology B.S.Tech.
Interdisciplinary Studies B.A./B.S.
Interior Architecture and Design Minor B.I.A.D.
International Agriculture Minor
International Business Minor
International Economics Certificate
International Studies Minor B.A.
Jazz Studies Minor
Journalism Minor B.A./B.S.
Landscape Architecture Minor
Latin American Studies B.A.
Management Information Systems B.S.Bus.
Marketing Minor B.S.Bus.*
Marketing Analytics Certificate
Mathematics Minor* B.S.
Mechanical Engineering Minor B.S.M.E.
Medical Sciences B.S.
Microbiology Minor B.S.Microbiol.
Microelectronics Fabrication Certificate
Military Science Minor
Modern Language Business B.A.
Modern Language Study Certificate
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Minor
Music Education B.Mus.
Music Business B.Mus.
Music Composition B.Mus.
Music Performance B.Mus.
Musical Theatre Minor
Natural Resources Minor
Natural Resource Conservation Minor
Natural Resource Economics Minor
Natural Resources Enterprise Management B.S.
Natural Resource Management Certificate*
Naval Science Minor
Nutritional Sciences Minor B.S.
Operations and Supply Chain Management B.S.
Organizational Dynamics Certificate
Organizational Sciences B.S.*
Outdoor Recreation Leadership Minor
Philosophy Minor B.A./B.S.
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Minor
Physics Minor B.A./B.S.
Plant Protection Minor
Political Science Minor B.A./B.S.
Power System Protection and Relaying Certificate*
Precision Agriculture Certificate*
Pre-Health Professions Studies Minor
Professional Skills in Chemical Addictions Counseling Certificate*
Professional Writing Minor
Promotions and Digital Marketing Certificate*
Psychology Minor B.A.*/B.S.*
Public Relations Minor B.A./B.S.
Rangeland Ecology and Management Minor B.S.
Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management B.S.Rec.*
Religious Studies Minor
Remote Sensing of the Environment Certificate
Renewable Materials Minor
Restoration Ecology Certificate
Robotics Systems Certificate
Sales Management Minor Certificate
Secondary Education B.S.Ed.
Semiconductor Design Certificate*
Small Business Management Certificate*
Social Media Management Certificate
Sociology Minor* B.A./B.S.
Soil Science Minor
Spanish Minor* B.A.
Statistics Minor B.S.
Studio Art and Design B.F.A.
Sustainability Certificate*
Sustainable Food Systems Minor B.S.Ag.L.S.
Sustainable Tourism and Leisure Enterprises Minor
Teaching English as a Second Language Minor
Technical Program Management Certificate*
Technical Workforce Training Certificate
Technical Writing Certificate*
Theatre Arts B.A./B.F.A./B.S.
Theatre Design and Technology Minor
Theatre Performance Minor
Trading and Capital Management Certificate
Tribal Natural Resources Stewardship Certificate
Virtual Technologies B.S. Certificate
Vocal-Instrumental Music Education Minor
Water Science and Management Minor B.S.S.W.S.
Wildland Fuel and Fire Technology A.S.
Wildlife Sciences Minor B.S.
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor


Program Master Education Specialist Doctoral Academic Certificate
Accountancy M.Acct.
Advanced Microelectronics Fabrication Certificate
Advanced Semiconductor Design Certificate*
Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership M.S.*
Agricultural Education M.S.
Animal Physiology Ph.D.
Animal Science M.S.
Anthropology M.A.
Applied Economics M.S.
Architecture M.Arch.
Art M.F.A.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Certificate*
Athletic Training M.S.A.T. D.A.T.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology M.S. Ph.D. Certificate
Biological Engineering M.Engr./M.S. Ph.D.
Biology M.S. Ph.D.
Chemical Engineering M.Engr./M.S. Ph.D.
Chemistry M.S. Ph.D.
Child Development M.S.
Civil Engineering M.Engr.*/M.S. Ph.D.
Climate Change Certificate
Computer Engineering M.Engr.*/M.S.*
Computer Science M.S.* Ph.D.
Creative Writing M.F.A.
Criminology M.S.*
Critical Infrastructure Resilience Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed.* Ed.S.*
Cybersecurity M.S.*
Data Science Certificate
Dietetics M.S.
Dual Credit Instructor Certificate
Education Ed.D./Ph.D.
Educational Leadership M.Ed.* Ed.S.Ed.Ldrshp.*
Electrical Engineering M.Engr.*/M.S.*
Emergency Planning and Management Certificate
Emerging Media M.A.*
Engineering Management M.Engr.*
English M.A.
Entomology M.S. Ph.D.
Environmental Education and Science Communication Certificate
Environmental Science M.S. Ph.D.
Experimental Psychology Ph.D.
Family and Consumer Sciences M.S.
Fire Ecology, Management, and Technology Certificate*
Food Science M.S. Ph.D.
General Management M.B.A.
Geographic Information Systems M.S. Certificate*
Geography M.S.* Ph.D.
Geological Engineering M.S.*
Geology M.S. Ph.D.
Groundwater Hydrology M.S.
High-Speed Circuits and Systems Certificate*
History M.A. Ph.D.
Human Resource Development Certificate
Indigenous Research and Education Certificate*
Integrated Architecture and Design M.S.
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology P.S.M.*
Interdisciplinary Studies M.A./M.S.
Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences M.S.
Landscape Architecture M.L.A.
Law J.D.
Mathematics M.A.T.*/M.S. Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering M.Engr.*/M.S. Ph.D.
Media Production Certificate*
Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry Ph.D.
Music M.A./M.Mus.*
Natural Resources M.N.R.*/M.S. Ph.D.
Natural Resources and Environmental Law Certificate
Neuroscience M.S. Ph.D.
Nuclear Criticality Safety Certificate
Nuclear Decommissioning and Used Fuel Management Certificate*
Nuclear Engineering M.Engr./M.S. Ph.D.
Nuclear Materials Engineering Certificate*
Nuclear Safeguards and Security Certificate*
Nuclear Technology Management Certificate*
Nutritional Sciences M.S. Ph.D.
Physical Education M.Ed.*
Physics M.S. Ph.D.
Plant Pathology M.S.
Plant Science M.S. Ph.D.
Political Science M.A. Ph.D.
Power System Protection and Relaying Certificate*
Professional Applications of Data Science Certificate*
Psychology M.S.*
Public Administration M.P.A.*
Remote Sensing of the Environment Certificate
Robotic Engineering Certificate
Scientific Communication and Leadership Certificate*
Secondary Education M.A.T.
Secure and Dependable Computing Systems Certificate*
Smart Grid Cybersecurity Certificate*
Soil and Land Resources M.S. Ph.D.
Special Education M.Ed.*
Statistical Science M.S.*
Statistics Certificate*
Strategic Media Management Certificate*
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages M.A.
Technology Integration Specialist Certificate*
Technology Management M.S.*
Theatre Arts M.F.A.
Water Resources M.S. Ph.D.

Online Programs

Program Associate Bachelor Master Education Specialist Doctoral Academic Minor Academic Certificate
Advanced Semiconductor Design Graduate Certificate
Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership M.S.
Applied Finance Undergraduate Certificate
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate
Business Administration B.B.A.
Business Leadership Undergraduate Certificate
Chemical Addictions: Principles and Practice Undergraduate Certificate
Civil Engineering M.Engr.
Communication B.A./B.S.
Computer Engineering M.Engr./M.S.
Computer Science M.S.
Corporate Social Responsibility Undergraduate Certificate
Crimininology B.S. M.S.
Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. Ed.S.
Cybersecurity M.S.
Dual Credit Instructor Graduate Certificate
Educational Leadership M.Ed. Ed.S.Ed.Ldrshp.
Electrical Engineering M.Engr./M.S.
Emerging Media M.A.
Engineering Management M.Engr.
English B.S.
Enterprise Systems Integration Undergraduate Certificate
Equity and Justice Undergraduate Certificate
Fire Ecology, Management and Technology Graduate Certificate
General Studies A.A./A.S. B.G.S.
Geographic Information Systems M.S. Graduate Certificate
Geography M.S.
Geological Engineering M.S.
High-Speed Circuits and Systems Graduate Certificate
History B.A./B.S.
Human and Community Engagement Minor
Indigenous Research and Education Graduate Certificate
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology P.S.M.
Marketing B.S.Bus.
Mathematics M.A.T. Minor
Mechanical Engineering M.Engr.
Media Production Graduate Certificate
Music M.Mus.
Natural Resource Management Undergraduate Certificate
Natural Resources M.N.R.
Nuclear Decommissioning and Used Fuel Management Graduate Certificate
Nuclear Materials Engineering Graduate Certificate
Nuclear Safeguards and Security Graduate Certificate
Nuclear Technology Management Graduate Certificate
Organizational Sciences B.S.
Physical Education M.Ed.
Power System Protection and Relaying Graduate Certificate
Precision Agriculture Undergraduate Certificate
Professional Applications of Data Science Graduate Certificate
Professional Skills in Chemical Addictions Counseling Undergraduate Certificate
Promotions and Digital Marketing Undergraduate Certificate
Psychology B.A./B.S. M.S.
Public Administration M.P.A.
Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management B.S.Rec.
Sales Management Undergraduate Certificate
Scientific Communication and Leadership Graduate Certificate
Secure and Dependable Computing Systems Graduate Certificate
Semiconductor Design Undergraduate Certificate
Small Business Management Undergraduate Certificate
Smart Grid Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate
Sociology Minor
Spanish Minor
Special Education M.Ed.
Statistical Science M.S.
Statistics Graduate Certificate
Strategic Media Management Graduate Certificate
Sustainability Undergraduate Certificate
Technical Program Management Undergraduate Certificate
Technical Writing Undergraduate Certificate
Technology Integration Specialist Graduate Certificate
Technology Management M.S.