Regents and Administration
Board of Regents
- Linda Clark, President, Boise
- William G. Gilbert, Jr., Vice President, BAHR Chair
- Kurt Liebich, Secretary, PPGA Chair, Boise
- Cally J. Roach, IRSA Chair, Retirement Plan Committee Chair, Fairfield
- Debbie Critchfield, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary, Oakley
- Cindy Siddoway, Terreton
- David Turnbull, Eagle
University Administration
- C. Scott Green, Ph.D., President
- Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President
- Yolanda Bisbee, Ed.D., Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director of Tribal Relations
- Brian Foisy, M.Acct., Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Dan Ewart, M.P.A., Vice President for Information Technology/Chief Information Officer
- Christopher T. Nomura, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Economic Development
- Dean Kahler, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management
- Gwen Gorzelsky, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives
- Diane Kelly-Riley, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Faculty
- Ken Udas, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Digital Learning Initiatives
- Blaine Eckles, Ph.D., Dean of Students and Vice Provost for Student Affairs
- Marc Skinner, Ph.D., Executive Officer, Idaho Falls Center
- Andrew R. Fields, Ed.D., Executive Officer, Coeur d'Alene Center
- Chandra Zenner Ford, M.S., Executive Officer, Boise Center
- Kim Rytter, J.D., General Counsel
- Ben Hunter, M.S., Dean – University Libraries
- Terry Gawlik, M.Ed., Director of Athletics
- Lindsey Brown, Ph.D., University Registrar
- Randi Croyle, M.Ed., Director of Student Financial Aid
- Michael Parrella, Ph.D., Dean of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Shauna Corry, Ph.D., Dean of Art and Architecture
- Lisa Victoravich, Ph.D., Dean of Business and Economics
- Brooke Blevins, Ph.D., Dean of Education, Health and Human Sciences
- Suzanna Long, Ph.D., Dean of Engineering
- Jerry McMurtry, Ph.D., Dean of Graduate Studies
- Aviva Abramovsky, J.D., Dean of Law
- Sean Quinlan, Ph.D., Dean of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
- Dennis Becker, Ph.D., Dean of Natural Resources
- Ginger Carney, Ph.D., Dean of Science
- Jeff Seegmiller, Ed.D., WWAMI Medical Education Program