General Requirements and Academic Procedures

The following procedures and regulations have been adopted to help students, faculty members, and administrators carry out the University of Idaho's overall academic program successfully. Students have the ultimate responsibility for meeting university, college, and departmental graduation requirements and academic procedures. Students, with the help of faculty advisors, should check their records each time they prepare to register to ensure that they are correctly and systematically fulfilling their degree requirements. It is the responsibility of advisors, major professors, and deans to assist students in understanding and complying with these requirements and procedures. The Office of the Registrar assists by checking students' records for compliance with the regulations in this section of the catalog. Requests to waive curricular requirements, academic provisions, or academic standards should be presented to the appropriate department and/or college.

Rights Reserved to the University

Catalogs, bulletins, and course or fee schedules shall not be considered as binding contracts between the University of Idaho (U of I) and students. The U of I reserves the right at any time, without advance notice, to:

  1. withdraw or cancel classes, courses, and programs;
  2. change fee schedules;
  3. change the academic calendar;
  4. change admission and registration requirements;
  5. change the regulations and requirements governing instruction in and graduation from the U of I and its various divisions; and
  6. change any other regulations affecting students.

Changes go into force whenever the proper authorities so determine and shall apply not only to prospective students but also to those who are matriculated at the time in the U of I. When economic and other conditions permit, the U of I tries to provide advance notice of such changes. In particular, when an instructional program is to be withdrawn, the U of I will make every reasonable effort to ensure that students who are within two (2) years of completing graduation requirements, and who are making normal progress toward completion of those requirements, will have the opportunity to complete the program which is to be withdrawn. At the discretion of the Provost, departments initiating a program withdrawal may allow for students currently admitted to the withdrawn program longer than a period of two years to complete the program, but not to exceed the catalog expiration of the withdrawn program.

The U of I also reserves the right, when a student has failed to discharge any obligation to the U of I, to deny that student the privilege of re-registering or to withhold the student's records or information based on the records. Students may verify the status of their accounts and be informed of any financial obligation to the U of I by inquiring at the cashier's window in the Bruce Pitman Center.

Academic Appeals Process

Students may petition the appropriate committee for exceptions to the administrative and academic regulations of the University of Idaho. Petitions are submitted to one of the following committees, depending on the nature of the petition.

Academic Petitions Committee

This committee hears student appeals for exceptions to the regulations in this catalog section including, but not limited to, such matters as:

  1. registration for courses after the deadline,
  2. reinstatement from 3rd disqualification,
  3. withdrawing from a course after the deadline, and
  4. expunging a grade of W from an academic record.

Appeals should be presented to the Academic Petitions Committee on forms available in college offices. (See

Appeals for reinstatement after second disqualification are directed to the college. If the college committee denies the appeal, the student may appeal to the provost or provost’s designee. 

Academic Hearing Board

This committee hears student appeals from decisions made by college authorities concerning, but not limited to, such matters as:

  1. eligibility for advanced placement or credit by examination,
  2. objectivity or fairness in making, administering, and evaluating class assignments,
  3. maintenance of standards for conscientious performance of teaching duties, and
  4. scheduling of classes, field trips, and examinations.

The board does not hear appeals concerning requirements or regulations of the College of Graduate Studies or the College of Law.  (See

Administrative Hearing Board

Students submit appeals to the Administrative Hearing Board on administrative decisions in such matters as residence status for tuition purposes, granting of student financial aid, and assessment of fees or charges (except in connection with parking regulations), and disputes involving interpretation and application of policies concerning such matters as student records, smoking, and treatment of disabled persons.

Decisions of the Administrative Hearing Board may be appealed to the president and regents when they consent to hear such appeals.