Agricultural Education (AGED)

AGED 101 Verbal Communication in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (3 credits)

General Education: Oral Communication

This course is designed to help students develop strategies and techniques for effective oral communication in professions related to agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR). Emphasis is placed on oral, visual, and interpersonal communication through an issues-based approach to AFNR topics. Typically Offered: Spring.

AGED 180 Introduction to Agricultural Education (1 credit)

Overview of the goals, mission, and purpose agricultural education programs in High Schools. Course content will include topics related to career opportunities in Agricultural Education, key issues facing agricultural education programs in high schools at the local, state, and national levels; the importance of agricultural education to society; and the role of the agricultural educator in schools and communities. (Fall only)

AGED 200 (s) Seminar (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

Prereqs: Permission.

AGED 204 (s) Special Topics (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 251 Principles of Agricultural Communications and Leadership (3 credits)

This course prepares individuals to serve in leadership and communication roles in agriculture. Course topics will include an examination of the journalistic, communication and broadcasting principles to develop and disseminate agricultural information, along with leadership principles related to leadership theory and personal leadership development.

AGED 252 Developing Collegiate and Community Organizations (3 credits)

Assisting community, collegiate, or social organization members, officers, or committee chairs to better serve the organization and to acquire practical organizational and management skills that will help them throughout their academic and professional careers. Basic knowledge and skills related to parliamentary procedure and the orderly conduct of meetings will also be covered. (Alt/odd years)

AGED 258 Experiential Learning and SAE Programs (1 credit)

This course addresses the role of experiential learning in Agricultural Education programs. A sound understanding and application of these programs is essential to the success of the local program. The emphasis of the course will be to provide students with supervised experience in agriculture. Record keeping skills will be developed to assist the student in planning, decision-making, and reporting.

AGED 263 History of U.S. and World Agriculture (3 credits)

General Education: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

This course is an introduction to the history of agriculture around the world. The course will explore the beginnings of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent some 7,000 years ago and the expansion of agriculture to the far east, Europe, and all corners of the globe. Topics covered will include the development of crops and livestock systems, agricultural practices, land use and exploitation, experimentation, technological innovations, and the culture associated with agriculture in diverse countries. Typically Offered: Spring.

AGED 299 (s) Directed Study (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 301 (s) Undergraduate Research (1-3 credits, max 3)

Undergraduate research for students in agricultural education.

Prereqs: Instructor Permission

AGED 350 Leadership Event Coordination (1-3 credits, max 6)

This course introduces students to the planning and implementation of leadership activities for the FFA - Career & Technical Student Organization. Students will use leadership, communications, and teambuilding skills to plan leadership and career development events (CDE/LDE), awards ceremonies, educational workshops, and stakeholder activities as part of the Idaho FFA State Convention (travel required). Students will collaborate with stakeholder groups including the Idaho FFA Association, Idaho FFA Alumni, Idaho FFA Foundation, Idaho Agriculture Teachers Association (IATA), and the Idaho Division of Career and Technical Education.

AGED 351 Career and Technical Education (3 credits)

Overview and interpretation of history, aims, and purposes of public education and career and technical education, issues and programs comprising education in Idaho and the U. S.

AGED 358 Supervising FFA and SAE Programs (3 credits)

Role of secondary agriculture instructors in supervising FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience programs. One lecture and one 2-hour lab per week. (Fall only)

Prereqs: Agricultural Education major and Permission

Prereqs or Coreqs: AGED 180

AGED 359 Developing 4-H Youth Programs (3 credits)

This course provides participants with an overview of the planning, development, and leadership principles of a 4-H/Youth Development program, the role of the 4-H/Youth Development Extension Education, Program Coordinator, and volunteer leader.

AGED 398 (s) Internship (1-16 credits)

AGED 400 (s) Seminar (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 403 (s) Workshop (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 404 (s) Special Topics (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 405 (s) Professional Development (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 406 Exploring International Agriculture (3 credits)

General Education: International

General overview of agriculture around the world and the opportunity to develop an in-depth knowledge of agriculture in a country or region of student's choice. Typically Offered: Fall.

Prereqs: Junior or Senior standing

AGED 407 Global Agricultural & Life Sciences Systems (3 credits, max 9)

This course will introduce students to the history, culture, economy and agricultural systems of a selected foreign country emphasized through a planned short-term international field experience. Through study and travel to the select country, students will be exposed to the history of the country, important cultural sites, production agriculture field operations, agricultural business enterprises, and international agricultural markets. Students will participate in educational and pre-trip informational sessions along with post-trip debriefing, class discussions, completing reports and developing presentations for other CALS classes and clubs about their experience.

AGED 450 Leading People and Teams (3 credits)

Cross-listed with CLDR 450

Joint-listed with AGED 550

This course focuses on leadership and communication in groups and teams through an exploration of team-based leadership and shared visions. Students will develop a better understanding of themselves as leaders and followers and the role of others as leaders and followers within a community. Topics include: community-based models and theories related to effective groups and teams, processes of teams, team management, relationships in teams, creating a shared mission and vision amongst members, improving and evaluating team performance, determining leadership strategies based on team dynamics, and shared leadership. Recommended preparation: AGED 251

AGED 451 Communicating in Agriculture (3 credits)

Principles and practices of disseminating knowledge and information related to agricultural sciences, environment, and natural resources to clients and the general public; communications concepts, technology, and presentation skills that will help agricultural and natural resource professionals communicate effectively within their chosen profession.

AGED 452 Methods of Teaching Agriculture (4 credits)

Procedures of identifying and selecting instructional methods and materials, planning, and student evaluation criteria to effectively teach agriculture. (Fall only) Typically Offered: Fall.

Prereqs: AGED 180, Agricultural Education major, and Permission

Coreqs: AGED 470 Prereqs or Coreqs: AGED 358 AND grade of C or higher in EDCI 201, 301 and 302

AGED 453 Program Planning in Secondary Agricultural Education (3 credits)

Planning, organizing, and implementing secondary programs in agriculture. This course is to be taken during the student teaching semester. (Spring only)

Prereqs: AGED 452, Agricultural Education major, and Permission

AGED 454 Facilities Organization and Management (2 credits)

Applications of efficient planning, organizing, and teaching skills reqd in management of lab and shop facilities.

Prereqs: AGED 180, Agricultural Education major, and Permission

Prereqs or Coreqs: AGED 358

AGED 460 Practicum: Secondary School Teaching in Agriculture (10 credits)

Fifteen weeks of practical experience student teaching in a secondary agriculture program. (Spring only)

Prereqs: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and Permission

AGED 461 Student Teaching Portfolio (3 credits)

Summary of the 15-week practicum experience; a notebook portfolio to include unit lesson plans, daily teaching plans, video example of teaching, report of early field experience, daily journal, summary of 10 positive and 10 challenging teaching experiences, supervisory assessments of teaching by cooperating instructor and university supervisor, and cooperating teacher's final evaluation. (Spring only)

AGED 470 Proseminar in Agricultural Education (1 credit)

Professional issues in agricultural education. Fall semester includes additional 8-hour Saturday session for CPR and first aid training. Typically Offered: Fall.

Prereqs: Admission to Teacher Education Program, or Permission of department

Coreqs: AGED 452 Prereqs or Coreqs: Grade of C or higher in EDCI 201, EDCI 301, and EDCI 302

AGED 471 Senior Capstone in Agricultural Education (2 credits)

General Education: Senior Experience

This course serves as the senior capstone course for the B. S. in Agricultural Education. The course meetings will include 2 mandatory seminars (2 days each), a final presentation, and a senior capstone debriefing meeting at the end of the student-teaching field-experience.

Prereqs: AGED 470

Coreqs: AGED 460 and AGED 461

AGED 481 Advanced Agricultural Communication and Leadership (3 credits)

This course is a culmination of the comprehensive knowledge gained in agricultural communications and leadership that infuses reflection with a real-life application of learned tools and skills. Designed for students to engage with a community organization or business to complete a full organizational analysis and design a communications campaign. The course results in the development of a portfolio.

Prereqs: AGED 251, AGED 450, AGED 451

AGED 498 (s) Internship (1-10 credits, max 10)

General Education: Senior Experience

Formalized learning experience in an actual work setting. Students work in an agriculturally related organization or agency and commit to a minimum of 40 hours of supervised work per semester credit. Requires completion of a formal proposal.

Prereqs: Junior or Senior standing; GPA of 2. 75 and Permission

AGED 499 (s) Directed Study (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 500 Master's Research & Thesis (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 501 (s) Seminar (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 502 (s) Directed Study (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 503 (s) Workshop (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 504 (s) Special Topics (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 505 (s) Professional Development (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 550 Leading People and Teams (3 credits)

Joint-listed with AGED 450, CLDR 450

This course focuses on leadership and communication in groups and teams through an exploration of team-based leadership and shared visions. Students will develop a better understanding of themselves as leaders and followers and the role of others as leaders and followers within a community. Topics include: community-based models and theories related to effective groups and teams, processes of teams, team management, relationships in teams, creating a shared mission and vision amongst members, improving and evaluating team performance, determining leadership strategies based on team dynamics, and shared leadership. Recommended preparation: AGED 251

AGED 560 Beginning Teacher Induction in Agricultural Education I (1 credit)

This course is designed to develop an understanding and application of teaching agriculture using the three-circle model. The course is taught using on-site clinical supervision, technical assistance, leadership, follow-up and support to beginning teachers of secondary agricultural education program. (Fall only)

AGED 561 Beginning Teacher Induction in Agricultural Education II (1 credit)

This course is designed to develop an understanding and application of teaching agriculture using the three-circle model. The course is taught using on-site clinical supervision, technical assistance, leadership, follow-up and support to beginning teachers of secondary agricultural education program. (Spring only)

AGED 562 Instructional Methods in Agricultural Education (3 credits)

Innovations and advanced principles in teaching methods and materials.

AGED 563 History and Philosophy of Agricultural and Extension Education (3 credits)

This course will review the development and growth of land-grant universities, agricultural experiment stations, the cooperative extension system, secondary and post-secondary agricultural programs, and the 4-H and FFA youth development organizations. Participants will conduct historical research and prepare a historical research manuscript for publication.

AGED 564 Curriculum Development in Agricultural Education (3 credits)

Design and development of data based curriculum and curriculum evaluation procedures in agricultural and extension education. Critique of curriculum development models, contemporary trends and issues, curriculum resources and accountability tools. Analysis of the use of national and state standards as well as local community needs in curriculum development

AGED 565 Program Planning and Evaluation in Agricultural Education (3 credits)

This course is designed to develop an understanding of Program Planning and Evaluation relevant to secondary agricultural education. Theories of program planning, evaluation principles, models, and procedures used in developing and analyzing agricultural education programs, conducting needs assessments, and the marketing of outcomes to major stake-holders

AGED 566 Advanced Philosophies of Teaching & Learning in Agricultural Education (3 credits)

Foundations and theories of teaching and learning with emphasis on applications in the secondary agricultural education classroom. Emphasis will be placed upon behavioral, social cognitive, cognitive, information processing, brain-based, constructivist, developmental, motivational, and transformational theories as they apply in contemporary agricultural education settings. Advanced teaching methods and pedagogies based on researched best-practices.

AGED 598 (s) Internship (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged

AGED 599 (s) Non-thesis Master's Research (1-16 credits)

Credit arranged. Research not directly related to a thesis or dissertation.

Prereqs: Permission