Department of Leadership and Counseling

Laura Holyoke, Interim Dept. Chair (208-885-7606; 

Adult, Organizational Learning and Leadership

Adult, organizational learning and leadership programs prepare leaders in a wide range of careers including higher education, business, government agencies and nonprofit organizations. It offers a master's degree and also delivers a professional certificate in human resource development. A doctorate (Ph.D. or Ed.D.) with an adult organizational learning and leadership specialization is available as well.

Educational Leadership

The state and CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) accredited educational leadership program offers master's (M.Ed.) and specialist (Ed.S.) degrees for individuals seeking leadership roles in K-12 education. Principal, superintendent, and director of special education certificates may be earned by completing an approved program of study. Courses are offered online with some live classes in designated locations. A doctorate (Ph.D. or Ed.D.) with an educational leadership specialization is available as well.